Results for 'Daniel Antonio Di Liscia'

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  1.  16
    Carl Prantl y la historia de la lógica de la investigación científica.Daniel Antonio Di Liscia & Javier Legris - 2016 - Scientiae Studia 14 (2):527.
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  2. "El libro encadenado": Eine sammelhandschrift naturphilosophischer schriften Von Jean Buridan (ms. Buenos aires, biblioteca nacional 342r).Daniel Antonio di Liscia - 2001 - Vivarium 39 (1):52-86.
  3.  24
    Quantifying Aristotle: the impact, spread, and decline of the Calculatores Tradition.Daniel A. Di Liscia & Edith Dudley Sylla (eds.) - 2022 - Boston: Brill.
    Aristotelian philosophy is generally regarded as incompatible with the mathematical methods and principles that form the basis of modern science. This book offers an entirely new perspective on this presumed incompatibility. It surveys the tradition of the Oxford Calculators from its beginnings in the fourteenth century until Leibniz and the philosophy of the seventeenth century and explores how the Calculators' techniques of quantification expanded the conceptual and methodological limits of Aristotelianism. In the process, it examines a large number of authors, (...)
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    Nel segno di Galileo: Erudizione, filosofia e scienza a Firenze nel secolo XVII: I "Trattati accademici" di Vincenzio Capponi. Stefano Caroti.Daniel Di Liscia - 1997 - Isis 88 (1):142-143.
  5.  25
    The Concept of Motion in Jacques Legrand’s Philosophical Compendium.Daniel Di Liscia - 2022 - Revista Española de Filosofía Medieval 29 (1):199-233.
    The following paper investigates the concept of motion in Jacques Legrand, a hitherto little-studied author of the early fifteenth century. Legrand, an important member of the Order of Hermits of Saint Augustine, wrote a philosophical Compendium for the students of his Order. This contribution first attempts to provide a contextualization of Legrand’s treatment of motion within this work. Legrand’s contribution to philosophical encyclopedism is here discussed. Secondly, it reviews the most important theories on the nature of movement in the Middle (...)
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    Johannes Kepler.Daniel A. di Liscia - 2011 - Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
  7.  19
    The Subject Matter of Physics and Metaphysics in Jacques Legrand's Compendium utriusque philosophie.Daniel A. di Liscia - 2017 - Revista Española de Filosofía Medieval 24:249.
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    Method and Order in Renaissance Philosophy of Nature: The Aristotle Commentary Tradition.Eckhard Kessler, Daniel A. Di Liscia & Charlotte Methuen - 1997 - Routledge.
  9.  11
    Nicole Oresme. Questiones in Meteorologica de ultima lectura, recensio parisiensis. Study of the Manuscript Tradition and Critical Edition of Books I-II.10, edited by A. Panzica (Leiden and Boston, 2021). [REVIEW]Daniel A. Di Liscia - 2023 - Revista Española de Filosofía Medieval 30 (1).
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    Text, Context, and Conflict in Early Modern CosmologyNicholas Jardine;, Alain Philippe Segonds. La guerre des astronomes: La querelle au sujet de l'origine du système géo‐hèliocentrique à la fin du XVIe siècle. 2 volumes. xix + 852 pp. Paris: Les Belles Lettres, 2008. €85. [REVIEW]Daniel A. Di Liscia - 2010 - Isis 101 (3):615-617.
  11. Embodied Medicine: Mens Sana in Corpore Virtuale Sano.Giuseppe Riva, Silvia Serino, Daniele Di Lernia, Enea Francesco Pavone & Antonios Dakanalis - 2017 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 11.
  12.  14
    Di Liscia, Daniel y Sylla, Edith (eds.) (2022): Quantiying Aristotle. The Impact, Spread and Decline of the Calculatores Tradition. Leiden: Bril. XII+479pp. [REVIEW]Federico Raffo Quintana - 2023 - Cuadernos de Filosofía 78.
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    Being socially uninterested versus not having social prediction skills: The impact of multisensory integration deficits on social skills in autism.Giuseppe Riva, Daniele Di Lernia & Antonios Dakanalis - 2019 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 42.
    Jaswal & Akhtar in their target article convincingly argue that subjects with autism do not have diminished social motivation. However, they still recognize that autistic people behave socially in an unusual way. Why? Here we suggest that these behaviours are the results of a multisensory integration deficit. Viewed from this perspective, the assumption that autistic people's unusual behaviours indicate diminished social motivation has to be replaced by the one that they have diminished social prediction skills.
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    Evaluation of a New Lightweight EEG Technology for Translational Applications of Passive Brain-Computer Interfaces.Nicolina Sciaraffa, Gianluca Di Flumeri, Daniele Germano, Andrea Giorgi, Antonio Di Florio, Gianluca Borghini, Alessia Vozzi, Vincenzo Ronca, Fabio Babiloni & Pietro Aricò - 2022 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 16.
    Technologies like passive brain-computer interfaces can enhance human-machine interaction. Anyhow, there are still shortcomings in terms of easiness of use, reliability, and generalizability that prevent passive-BCI from entering real-life situations. The current work aimed to technologically and methodologically design a new gel-free passive-BCI system for out-of-the-lab employment. The choice of the water-based electrodes and the design of a new lightweight headset met the need for easy-to-wear, comfortable, and highly acceptable technology. The proposed system showed high reliability in both laboratory and (...)
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  15.  36
    Prova e Giustificazione.Alfredo Di Giorgio & Daniele Chiffi (eds.) - 2013 - G. Giappichelli Editore.
    I saggi che compongono questo libro intendono presentare in maniera organica e interdisciplinare, anche se da una prospettiva fondazionale logico-filosofica, il ruolo che il concetto di prova svolge in differenti ambiti del sapere. L’elemento innovativo e caratterizzante del volume è quello di stabilire e formulare quali sono le condizioni di adeguatezza materiale e formale per una corretta esplicazione del concetto di prova nelle sue differenti applicazioni. Si cercherà, inoltre, di cogliere cosa ha qualificato storicamente e qualifica tuttora il concetto di (...)
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    La presenza dell'aristotelismo padovano nella filosofia della prima modernità: Atti del Colloquio internazionale in memoria di Charles B. Schmitt (Padova, 4-6 settembre 2000) (review). [REVIEW]Riccardo Pozzo - 2003 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 41 (3):414-415.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Journal of the History of Philosophy 41.3 (2003) 414-415 [Access article in PDF] Gregorio Piaia, editor. La presenza dell'aristotelismo padovano nella filosofia della prima modernità: Atti del Colloquio internazionale in memoria di Charles B. Schmitt (Padova, 4-6 settembre 2000). Rome and Padua: Antenore, 2002. Pp. 488. Paper, € 38.00.Dedicated to the impact of Paduan Aristotelianism on early modern philosophy, this volume, edited by Gregorio Piaia, presents the proceedings of (...)
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  17.  29
    Violencia y discriminación a vendedores ambulantes en el escenario de pandemia.Daniel Antonio Hernandez Linares - 2023 - Human Review. International Humanities Review / Revista Internacional de Humanidades 20 (1):1-14.
    Esta investigación analiza cómo se han visto afectados los vendedores informales/ambulantes y sus familias frente a la pandemia, teniendo en cuenta que la economía informal se ha visto afectado debido a las medidas dispuestas por el gobierno, las cuales estuvieron ligadas a limitar el uso del espacio público por parte de las personas, se busca analizar los siguientes aspectos: ¿cómo ha cambiado la forma en la que venden y promocionan sus productos durante la pandemia?, ¿cómo han manejado su economía?, ¿qué (...)
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    On Vaught’s Conjecture and finitely valued MV algebras.Antonio Di Nola & Giacomo Lenzi - 2012 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 58 (3):139-152.
    We show that the complete first order theory of an MV algebra has equation image countable models unless the MV algebra is finitely valued. So, Vaught's Conjecture holds for all MV algebras except, possibly, for finitely valued ones. Additionally, we show that the complete theories of finitely valued MV algebras are equation image and that all ω-categorical complete theories of MV algebras are finitely axiomatizable and decidable. As a final result we prove that the free algebra on countably many generators (...)
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  19.  28
    Yosida Type Representation for Perfect MV‐Algebras.Lawrence P. Belluce & Antonio Di Nola - 1996 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 42 (1):551-563.
    In [9] Mundici introduced a categorical equivalence Γ between the category of MV-algebras and the category of abelian [MATHEMATICAL SCRIPT SMALL L]-groups with strong unit. Using Mundici's functor Γ, in [8] the authors established an equivalence between the category of perfect MV-algebras and the category of abelian [MATHEMATICAL SCRIPT SMALL L]-groups. Aim of the present paper is to use the above functors to provide Yosida like representations of a large class of MV-algebras.
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  20.  27
    Commutative rings whose ideals form an MV‐algebra.Lawrence P. Belluce & Antonio Di Nola - 2009 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 55 (5):468-486.
    In this work we introduce a class of commutative rings whose defining condition is that its lattice of ideals, augmented with the ideal product, the semi-ring of ideals, is isomorphic to an MV-algebra. This class of rings coincides with the class of commutative rings which are direct sums of local Artinian chain rings with unit.
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    The Prime Spectrum of an MV‐Algebra.L. P. Belluce, Antonio Di Nola & Salvatore Sessa - 1994 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 40 (3):331-346.
    In this paper we show that the prime ideal space of an MV-algebra is the disjoint union of prime ideal spaces of suitable local MV-algebras. Some special classes of algebras are defined and their spaces are investigated. The space of minimal prime ideals is studied as well.
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  22.  48
    Algebraic geometry for mv-algebras.Lawrence P. Belluce, Antonio di Nola & Giacomo Lenzi - 2014 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 79 (4):1061-1091.
  23. Dual PECCS: A Cognitive System for Conceptual Representation and Categorization.Antonio Lieto, Daniele Radicioni & Valentina Rho - 2017 - Journal of Experimental and Theoretical Artificial Intelligence 29 (2):433-452.
    In this article we present an advanced version of Dual-PECCS, a cognitively-inspired knowledge representation and reasoning system aimed at extending the capabilities of artificial systems in conceptual categorization tasks. It combines different sorts of common-sense categorization (prototypical and exemplars-based categorization) with standard monotonic categorization procedures. These different types of inferential procedures are reconciled according to the tenets coming from the dual process theory of reasoning. On the other hand, from a representational perspective, the system relies on the hypothesis of conceptual (...)
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  24. Giovanni Antonio Colozza: pedagogista e maestro: (con brani estratti dalle opere).Antonio Di Tullio - 1973 - [Campobasso]: Cassa di risparmio molisana.
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  25.  21
    Lineamenti di una fenomenologia dell’attenzione. Da Husserl a Waldenfels.Antonio Di Chiro - 2023 - Rivista Internazionale di Filosofia e Psicologia 14 (3):192-205.
    _Riassunto_: In questo articolo cercheremo di delineare le caratteristiche di una fenomenologia dell’attenzione incentrata sui concetti di interesse e selezione. Partiremo dall’analisi del concetto di attenzione in Husserl per poi concentrarci sulle riflessioni di William James, Alfred Schutz ed Erving Goffman che riconoscono un ruolo fondamentale dell’attenzione nei processi con cui gli attori sociali inquadrano e definiscono la realtà e, infine, analizzeremo la proposta teorica di Bernhard Waldenfels che propone un’etica dell’attenzione che è sia un’etica dell’apertura e del riconoscimento dell’altro (...)
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  26.  29
    Umanità di un diritto: riconoscimento e promozione dell'aver-cura nei giorni della tecnica.Antonio Di Somma - 2019 - Rivista Italiana di Cure Palliative 21 (2):118-122.
    Il processo di riconoscimento delle cure palliative quale diritto umano individuale di base ha recentemente riscontrato una proficua quanto attesa accelerazione. Parimenti allo sviluppo tecnico dei nostri giorni non si esauriscono infatti le forme dell’umano sentire e sperare, l’esigenza e l’impeto dell’aver-cura autentico dell’altro, la risposta multidisciplinare, comunitaria e sociale che ne consegue doverosa. È quanto attesta e promuove la recente Dichiarazione di Astana sull’assistenza sanitaria primaria, nel riconoscere le cure palliative tra le forme di cura primarie oggi possibili e (...)
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  27. From human to artificial cognition and back: New perspectives on cognitively inspired AI systems.Antonio Lieto & Daniele Radicioni - 2016 - Cognitive Systems Research 39 (c):1-3.
    We overview the main historical and technological elements characterising the rise, the fall and the recent renaissance of the cognitive approaches to Artificial Intelligence and provide some insights and suggestions about the future directions and challenges that, in our opinion, this discipline needs to face in the next years.
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  28.  4
    Il grano cresce di notte: vita e pensiero di Henry D. Thoreau.Antonio Di Chiro - 2023 - [Prato]: Piano B edizioni.
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    L'orizzonte personale della scelta. Tra comunicazione della speranza e naturale desiderio di compimento.Antonio Di Somma - 2018 - Rivista Italiana di Cure Palliative 20 (2):95-99.
    Si tratta di una possibilità, di una disponibilità del pensiero. Dell’orizzonte di comprensione in cui tutti noi ci muoviamo incessantemente, qualunque cosa accada. Di uno spazio interiore ininterrottamente aperto al dialogo con sé stessi, con il mondo, l’esistenza, la vita, con quanto ci accade di positivo o negativo. Il vissuto che si dischiude alla mente, spesso a lungo un cammino nel vuoto e nell’assenza di ogni intuizione, un orizzonte di libertà. Un sistema di scelte e di valori incentrato sui compiti (...)
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  30.  48
    La cura oltre le barriere. Osservazioni a margine di alcuni recenti lavori internazionali.Antonio Di Somma - 2021 - Rivista Italiana di Cure Palliative 23 (4):256-260.
    La cura della salute è un fenomeno originario e insieme una necessità fondamentale, dinamica e non trascurabile della vita, dell’esistenza e dell’esperienza personale e comunitaria di ogni essere umano. La primarietà ontologica della cura, evidenziata anche negli studi filosofici più recenti dedicati alle pratiche dell’aver cura, richiama infatti, attraverso la dimensione co-esistentiva dell’essere insieme nel mondo l’uno con l’altro e l’uno per l’altro, alla stessa primarietà etica e al contempo politica della cura nel naturale e positivo sviluppo della struttura relazionale (...)
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  31.  33
    Essere speranza nel tempo della tecnica. Prospettive teorico-pratiche di orientamento.Antonio Di Somma - 2021 - Rivista Italiana di Cure Palliative 23 (2):127-132.
    Come si può essere speranza nel tempo della tecnica? Forse può essere utile interrogare brevemente a tale proposito il pensiero, o meglio approfondire alcune riflessioni presenti nell’elaborazione filosofica di importanti pensatori del Novecento. Attraverso tale procedimento si aprirà forse una prospettiva, un piccolo spiraglio, una via d’uscita tanto per il pensiero, quanto per la comprensione contemporanea della pratica quotidiana dell’aver-cura. Non deve stupire se si rimanda a classici del pensiero filosofico, ciò che muove ogni azione, soprattutto in ambito clinico e (...)
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  32.  56
    Perception Accuracy of Affiliative Relationships in Elementary School Children and Young Adolescents.João R. Daniel, Rita R. Silva, António J. Santos, Jordana Cardoso, Leandra Coelho, Miguel Freitas & Olívia Ribeiro - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
  33.  52
    On monadic MV-algebras.Antonio Di Nola & Revaz Grigolia - 2004 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 128 (1-3):125-139.
    We define and study monadic MV-algebras as pairs of MV-algebras one of which is a special case of relatively complete subalgebra named m-relatively complete. An m-relatively complete subalgebra determines a unique monadic operator. A necessary and sufficient condition is given for a subalgebra to be m-relatively complete. A description of the free cyclic monadic MV-algebra is also given.
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  34.  21
    «Mutua sintonia», intersoggettività e «vivido presente». La filosofia della musica di Alfred Schütz.Antonio Di Chiro - 2019 - Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia 75 (2):1343-1380.
    This essay analyzes the reflection of Alfred Schütz on music. The first part will focus on the analysis of those that for Schütz are the constitutive elements of the phenomenology of music. The second part will focus on the idea of music as a social interaction and relationship of mutual harmony. The aim of the work is to demonstrate that Schütz’s reflection on music does not constitute an isolated element within his thought process, but rather it constitutes a fundamental element (...)
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    Dio e il nulla: la religiosità atea di Emil Cioran.Antonio Di Gennaro & Pasquale Giustiniani (eds.) - 2019 - Milano: Mimesis.
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    Logica, politica, economia nel pensiero di Pantaleo Carabellese.Antonio Di Loreto - 1971 - L'Aquila,: L. U. Japadre.
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  37.  82
    Perfect MV-algebras are categorically equivalent to abelianl-groups.Antonio Di Nola & Ada Lettieri - 1994 - Studia Logica 53 (3):417-432.
    In this paper we prove that the category of abelianl-groups is equivalent to the category of perfect MV-algebras. Furthermore, we give a finite equational axiomatization of the variety generated by perfect MV-algebras.
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    Counter-reporting sustainability from the bottom up: the case of the construction company WeBuild and dam-related conflicts.Antonio Bontempi, Daniela Del Bene & Louisa Jane Di Felice - 2021 - Journal of Business Ethics 182 (1):7-32.
    Controversies around large-scale development projects offer many cases and insights which may be analyzed through the lenses of corporate social (_ir_)responsibility (CS_I_R) and business ethics studies. In this paper, we confront the CSR narratives and strategies of _WeBuild_ (formerly known as _Salini Impregilo_), an Italian transnational construction company. Starting from the Global Atlas of Environmental Justice (EJAtlas), we collect evidence from NGOs, environmental justice organizations, journalists, scholars, and community leaders on socio-environmental injustices and controversies surrounding 38 large hydropower schemes built (...)
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  39.  67
    D. Di Liscia, E. Kessler and C. Methuen (eds.), Method and Order in Renaissance Philosophy of Nature. The Aristotle Commentary Tradition (Aldershot: Ashgate, 1997), 416 pp. £ 55.00 ISBN 0-86078-666-8. [REVIEW]Cees Leijenhorst - 1998 - Early Science and Medicine 3 (3):261-262.
  40.  68
    Finitely generated free MV-algebras and their automorphism groups.Antonio Di Nola, Revaz Grigolia & Giovanni Panti - 1998 - Studia Logica 61 (1):65-78.
    The MV-algebra S m w is obtained from the (m+1)-valued ukasiewicz chain by adding infinitesimals, in the same way as Chang's algebra is obtained from the two-valued chain. These algebras were introduced by Komori in his study of varieties of MV-algebras. In this paper we describe the finitely generated totally ordered algebras in the variety MV m w generated by S m w . This yields an easy description of the free MV m w -algebras over one generator. We characterize (...)
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  41. Proceedings of the 3rd International Workshop on Artificial Intelligence and Cognition, Turin, Italy, September 28-29, 2015.Antonio Lieto, Cristina Battaglino, Daniele P. Radicioni & Manuela Sanguinietti (eds.) - 2015
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  42.  58
    State-morphism MV-algebras.Antonio Di Nola & Anatolij Dvurečenskij - 2010 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 161 (2):161-173.
    We present a stronger variation of state MV-algebras, recently presented by T. Flaminio and F. Montagna, which we call state-morphism MV-algebras. Such structures are MV-algebras with an internal notion, a state-morphism operator. We describe the categorical equivalences of such state MV-algebras with the category of unital Abelian ℓ-groups with a fixed state operator and present their basic properties. In addition, in contrast to state MV-algebras, we are able to describe all subdirectly irreducible state-morphism MV-algebras.
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    The Role of Exercise-Induced Arousal and Exposure to Blue-Enriched Lighting on Vigilance.Antonio Barba, Francisca Padilla, Antonio Luque-Casado, Daniel Sanabria & Ángel Correa - 2018 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 12:429021.
    It is currently assumed that exposure to an artificial blue-enriched light enhances human alertness and task performance, but recent research has suggested that behavioural effects are influenced by the basal state of arousal. Here we tested whether the effect of blue-enriched lighting on vigilance performance depends on participants’ arousal level. Twenty-four participants completed four sessions (blue-enriched vs. dim light x low vs. high arousal) at 10 pm on four consecutive days, following a repeated-measures design. Participants’ arousal was manipulated parametrically through (...)
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  44.  19
    Voluntary Movement Takes Shape: The Link Between Movement Focusing and Sensory Input Gating.Daniele Belvisi, Antonella Conte, Francesca Natalia Cortese, Matteo Tartaglia, Nicoletta Manzo, Pietro Li Voti, Antonio Suppa & Alfredo Berardelli - 2018 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 12.
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    Non-idempotent intersection types for the Lambda-Calculus.Antonio Bucciarelli, Delia Kesner & Daniel Ventura - 2017 - Logic Journal of the IGPL 25 (4):431-464.
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    Network Structure Predicts Changes in Perception Accuracy of Social Relationships.João R. Daniel, Rita R. Silva & António J. Santos - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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    Ideias sobre a educação para o desenvolvimento em Portugal e no Brasil em meados do século XX.Antonio Gomes Ferreira & Leziany Silveira Daniel - 2010 - Educação E Filosofia 24 (47):125-151.
    Considerando a situação no mundo nesta época, o artigo visa estabelecer um dialogo analítico sobre os trabalhos publicados em Portugal e no Brasil que de algum modo posicionaram sobre a articulação do desenvolvimento com a educação.
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  48. Recetas francesas y ensayos de Trabajo fin de Máster en la oralidad del aula universitaria.Antonio Daniel Fuentes González & Isabel Esther González Alarcón - 2012 - Oralia 15:343 - 356.
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  49. La custodia de la razón= Custody of the reason.Daniel Innerarity Grau, Gianni Vattimo, José Antonio Marina Torres, Claude Levi-Strauss & Fernando Savater - 2006 - Contrastes: Revista Cultural 44:79-81.
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    The neurobiology of knowledge retrieval.Daniel Tranel & Antonio R. Damasio - 1999 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 22 (2):303-303.
    Recent investigations have explored how large-scale systems in the brain operate in the processes of retrieving knowledge for words and concepts. Much of the crucial evidence derives from lesion studies, because word retrieval and concept retrieval can be clearly dissociated in brain-damaged individuals. We discuss these findings from the perspective of our neurobiological framework, which is cited in Pulvermüller's target article.
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